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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

    no more demos

    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

    Number of posts : 5120
    Age : 30
    Location : California, USA
    Job : Investor
    Hobbie : Computers, chess, computer chess, fashion, and philosophy
    Message : I made this forum when I was 13 High on Drugs
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    no more demos Empty no more demos

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:35 pm

    Code Editing Tutorials
    Disabling the Demo player

    Wolfenstein 3D EXE writers most of the time get irritated of the demos Wolfenstein starts to play each time you've seen the entire title sequence. Most of the time, the levels they have in that slot are empty or have another start position. Today, you'll be able to put in a code that makes the game "loop" the title sequences forever, and no demos will be played. That's a lot better, right?

    Step 1. Open WL_MAIN.C and go to line 1551. Now you should see this:

    // demo

    #ifdef SPEAR

    PlayDemo (LastDemo++%4);


    PlayDemo (0);


    Step 2. Replace that with :

    #ifdef SPEAR

    PlayDemo (LastDemo++%4);




    Step 3. Now, do a search for "// demo". You should see this:

    // demo

    #ifndef SPEARDEMO

    PlayDemo (LastDemo++%4);


    PlayDemo (0);


    if (playstate == ex_abort)




    Change that to:

    // demo

    #ifdef SPEAR

    VW_FadeOut ();


    VW_FadeOut ();


    if (playstate == ex_abort)


    // StartCPMusic(INTROSONG);


    As you see, STARTCPMUSIC is commented out. This is done because if we keep this line intact, the music will re-start with a pop after the high scores screen is displayed and the row of images restarts. Now the song will keep playing. Good eh?

    Step 4. Save the file and compile it. Now, after the high scores screen you'll see the title screen again, and so it continues forever.

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

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