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A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

3 posters

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

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    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:40 pm

    This thread is for the winners of the contest for Guns and Glory 0.5: The Story Retold.

    The contest will officially begin upon the mod's release and this thread will chronicle who has won the contest, how many requirements for the contest they have fulfilled, and which levels (if any) they are providing to the public secondary release Mapset. The contest is officially over when all of the mapslots are filled.

    Contest winners and participants can come here to discuss their prizes, map making, or assistance for acheiving the requirements.

    The following is a list of the current levels left available for participants to accept as their prizes. Prizes are first-come, first serve. Any participants that wish to remain anonymous need only to request and shall remain anonymous through the secondary public release. Anyone who meets the requirements for the contest, but does not wish to part take in the prizes is not obligated to do so. Participants that do part take in the prizes are only allowed up to a maximum of 4 levels, max.


    Well, the contest is obviously not seeing any inductees of any kind so I'm instead changing the format of this thread from the "Contest Winners Thread" to the "Community Mapset Thread."

    So instead, now anybody that wants to is free to vouch to make as many levels as they please (a predisposed limit of 4 will be set, but if there isn't much interest in the idea as before then those who are interested can have more as they see fit). I will also be making several maps myself for the mod when I've the disposition or time to do so.

    So, as it stands anyone is free to contact me and request to make some levels for a Community mapset. The mapset will not contain a new EXE for thsoe wodnering, so, aside from the possibility that the maps will deviate completely from the original game's story, it will still be compatible with the base game. New music additions will be allowed, and users should provide both an MIDI and OGG version for use with their level, otherwise, the level will be assumed to use the music used for the original level of the base game.

    There's no real deadline on this, however, as always it's first come, first serve, and also because I plan to make levels for it myself, the levels will slowly fill up, regardless of if others wish to contribute or not. As it stands, the project already has 1 finished level, which is the level I made for the Contest as part of my original contribution to the community mapset.

    The following, again, is the list for the available mapslots, which may or may not remain open long:

    -EDIT- I've decided to allocate a number of levels for myself, the table below has changed to read as such:

    1. Taken - Metalor - 100%
    2. Taken - Metalor - 0%
    3. Taken - ronwolf1705 - 100%
    4. Available
    5. Available
    6. Available
    7. Available
    8. Available
    9. Taken - Metalor - 0%
    10. Available
    11. Available
    12. Taken - Metalor - 0%
    13. Available
    14. Taken - Metalor - 0%
    15. Available
    16. Available
    17. Available
    18. Taken - Metalor - 0%
    19. Available
    20. Available
    21. Available
    22. Available
    23. Taken - Metalor - 0%
    24. Available
    25. Taken - Metalor - 0%
    26. Available
    27. Available
    28. Available
    29. Available
    30. Available
    31. Available
    32. Available
    33. Taken - Metalor - 100%

    -EDIT- I may allocate more, but for now, these are the maps I will personally be replacing. Remember that the maps will all be non-sequitors of each other in this community release. They do not have to tie into each other in any way.

    As with the original post of the contest thread, the following users are still entitled and encouraged to provide a map to the new mapset:
    Dean (1 level), WolferCooker (1 level), mbender (2 levels).

    And as stated above, I will be providing all new maps myself periodically to this set. In doing so, I will attempt to make levels that are overall easier and more enjoyable for newer players. Although the new maps will not follow the formula or original map order as far as overall theme, they will hopefully increase in difficultly very gradually and other wise be much easier for new players to play. My new levels will also not be encumbered by the taboo of using elements from secret levels in regular levels, so in this way, players who may have missed out on the secret levels, either by sheer difficulty or inability to locate them will get to enjoy the content made and used therein.

    Please check back often and if you'd like to contribute a couple of maps, please pm me or email me at: harkodos@gmail.com
    Title your message: "Community Mapset" or somehing along thsoe lines when PMing or emailing me.

    Thanks, and keep Wolfing!


    Oh yes, and the map editting files are for Chaos-Edit adn I will include a couple of extra documents that contain information in regards to using certain features in-game.

    Last edited by Metalor on Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:47 am; edited 6 times in total
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2012-04-05

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Fri May 11, 2012 5:43 pm

    Congradulations to mbender! The first successful entree into the contest was his!

    That's right, the contest is still going! There are still currently (as of the time of this post) 32 maps open for those interested.

    And for those interested, I'll release a few of the game's cheat codes, provided of course that at least 3 more entrees are successfully entered first. mbender is currently the closest to meeting that goal, and I wish him luck if he decides to do so.

    Upon 2 successful entrees, I'll post some juicy Teaser and Spoiler screenshots of the secret levels to get your mouths drooling.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2012-04-05

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Sat May 19, 2012 2:08 pm

    Well, as I stated earlier, upon the 2nd entree (once again submitted by mbender), I would post a few Spoiler Screenshots of the 9 secret levels from my Mod Guns and Glory 0.5: The Story Retold.

    Read on if you don't mind spoilers:




    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2012-04-05

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Sat May 19, 2012 2:09 pm


    This one might be okay to go ahead and read:

    This one's not much of a spoiler, really:

    Super Spoiler Here:


    Well, that's it. Hopefully, I've stirred your interest in trying to find the game's secret levels so that you ca enjoy them for yourself now. If not, well then at least you know a bit more about the extra effort I put into this game. And as promised, upon 4 contest entrees, I'll post the game's basic cheat codes. Upon 8 entrees, I'll post the means for enabling all of them. But of course, cheating means that you can't get a high score, so it's preferred that you shy away from doing so.

    Anyways, have fun drooling over this for a while, I'm off to do inane things!

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty I love this thread so much.

    Post by stathmk Tue May 22, 2012 7:26 pm

    Metalor wrote:
    I have Super Mario Kart. I love this thread so much. It's making me smile. Very Happy
    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- 270913946_efa38ec3d8
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2012-04-05

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Tue May 22, 2012 8:17 pm

    You can play the level just by finding the secret exit on map 11. You can make one of your own if you just meet one of the 4 contest requirements on medium or hard.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2012-04-05

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:53 pm

    Well I've decided, obviously this contest isn't going to see any entrees after all so I figure that next Sunday I'll go ahead and post the basic cheat codes, and I'll give a hint as to how to find the others. I'll also delight those around who are still interested with a whole gaggle of spoiler images, showcasing everything new I added into the game. I've been dying to showcase my creativity, and I think I've waited long enough.

    So let's run through that again for Clarity, on the 22nd I shall post the following:
    1. The basic Cheat codes (God mode, the free-stuff cheat, etc.)
    2. How to find out what the other cheat codes are.
    3. All the nifty secrets I jammed into the secret levels.

    If anyone would like to wait a bit longer before seeing any of these things, please tell me before I post the above mentioned, otherwise I shall post them on the date mentioned.

    Until then, keep Wolfing!
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2012-04-05

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:10 pm

    A day short, but here's the basic cheat codes, as promised:

    Press the following keys simultaneously to activate the cheat:

    G+U+N = Free stuff including full health, armor, some ammo, all weapons, and a few other stuff (but score is reduced by 10,000 points).
    Tab+G+F10 = God Mode (Complete invulnerability) WARNING: Although it lasts forever, there IS an opponent that can remove God Mode on one of the secret levels.

    The rest of the cheats can be found in the game's HELPART file. Just open it in Notepad and scroll to page 94 (i.e. the first page that's normally blank in-game. That's right, there's text there, it's just the exact color of the ReadThis' background).

    The rest of the codes work mainly as they do in the original unless otherwise stated. I'll probably post some screenshots of the game's awesome secrets later. I've been swamped the last few days with housework and guests. I guess the contest's over also, since the contest has only seen two entrees in like, forever. Later I'll probably open up some options for anyone that'd like to contribute a new map for an optional mapset. I fnothing else, I'll stem my boredom by making an entire mapset myself. I've already got 1 down, just 32 left to go. Anyone that'd want to contribute would be welcome to use what the Contest winners would have had the opportunity to use.

    But that would be for later, right now just enjoy cheating and finding the stuff in my game on your own.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
    Age : 34
    Registration date : 2012-04-05

    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:34 pm

    Got a brand, spankin' new Spoiler for y'all! This one's gonna showcase one of the new bosses I made for Guns and Glory 0.5 and all of it's animations. If you're uneager to have anything spoiled for yourself, then I suggest avoiding this, otherwise, dig on in!


    And also, here's some animations for the above mentioned Spoiler:
    Bring em' On!
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    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:35 pm

    Some more of the animations:
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:35 pm

    The last of the animations:

    I'm starting to contemplate releasing another updated EXE for Guns and Glory that'll make the game operate similar to the original Wolfenstein. That way, players can have 100% health, armor, and not die every few minutes/seconds.

    Will I do it? Only time or this upcoming weekend will tell.
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:39 am

    It sucks that there are not many entries. I guess people are just busy now.

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog
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    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:16 am

    That's life. But hey, I can always let people simply volunteer for a mapset instead.

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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Super Mario Kart

    Post by stathmk Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:08 pm

    Sorry I've been working and forgotten to play this game for The Super Mario Kart parody level. If saved games don't work for later versions, then please post when you have the final version of the game. Then I'll probably play it.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:46 pm

    The current version is the final version. I don't plan on remaking another EXE unless it's for an entirely different "special" edition.

    -Which, I may do, but it would have new maps and junk if I did, because with the game the way it is now and if I made further changes to the exe, the balance may be thrown out of whack.

    But feel safe in playing the latest version, the other versions were merely to fix bugs and to allow players an alternate means for the game's music.
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    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:51 pm

    This thread has been modified. Please check back to the first post.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:23 am

    Just finished my first level for the community mapset. It utilizes the new boss that I made for the contest.

    It is also the only level that will be "true to form" as far as actual gameplay. The level plays much like one of the game's boss levels (somewhat a mix between the UberMutant and Hitler levels). Although this gives the player a really rough start, the level is basically an Epilogue level for the original set, and the following levels will be much easier (In some cases, I can't vouch for other people's levels). All of the levels following will be non-sequitors unto themselves and the project as a whole.
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:13 pm

    Here's a present, more sprite animations of the secret bosses in Guns and Glory 0.5!

    More to come, stay tuned!
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:16 pm

    And here's the rest:


    More to come eventually!
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:09 am

    More sprites, this time of another secret boss and their regular enemy counterpart! Enjoy:

    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:11 am

    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 158
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:15 am

    Even more to come soon! Just you wait!

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Job : fast food worker & wolfensteingoodies.com webmaster
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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty This reminds me of Doomkarts!

    Post by stathmk Thu May 30, 2019 9:42 am

    Metalor wrote:


    This reminds me of Doomkarts!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-9XltsCZeg
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

    Post by Metalor Thu May 30, 2019 2:25 pm

    Considering I made that level well before the date on that video, I'd say it's probably the other way around. Though it's not unheard of for different individuals to come up with the same idea.

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    Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update- Empty Re: Guns and Glory Community Mapset Thread -Update-

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