Is anybody familiar without troubleshooting for Doom 2 mods? Please go to the December 10, 2010 news at and click on the link to the Corridor 7 Total Conversion thread on Doomworld. Please read my July 21st post there, and if you can help then post there on DoomWorld or in this wolf3d.darkbb thread.
Getting Corridor 7 Total Conversion In Doom 2 to run
stathmk- Veteran
Number of posts : 1788
Age : 44
Location : Indiana, United States
Job : fast food worker & webmaster
Hobbie : old games & young dames
Registration date : 2008-04-08
stathmk- Veteran
Number of posts : 1788
Age : 44
Location : Indiana, United States
Job : fast food worker & webmaster
Hobbie : old games & young dames
Registration date : 2008-04-08
- Post n°2
How do I get past level 1?
Vermil responded and I now can get it to load. How do I get past the electricity on level 1?