by Akuul Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:25 pm
On materials of mass media
Colonel Muammar Kaddafi has appeared a tough nut, on it Arabian "domino effect" doesn't extend yet. Military operations between the governmental army and insurgents were at a deadlock. Attempt of rebels to take Tripoli has "hurriedly failed in February, in the beginning of civil war. Though then, in the first days of mutiny, the Arabian and European TV channels in the victorious reports created at world community full confidence that the mode of Kaddafi just about will go on a garbage heap of history after modes Ben Ali and Mubaraka. Cities one after another got under control risen, military men ostensibly passed to the revolution party, the front line came nearer to capital. It was informed that for Kaddafi mercenaries from Chad battle only, and it whether already in Venezuela, whether just about there will go. However it was found out that all not so is simple. On streets Tripoli and other cities of the western part of Libya there were fanatical crowds with portraits of the colonel and green banners of Dzhamahirii, and the Libyan army (which as it was found out, hasn't run up anywhere) has passed in counterattack. The front has swept from Tripoli back, to Bengasi and if not begun NATO bombardments, revolt would be crushed by tanks Kaddafi.
But the massed support from air though has rescued insurgents from defeat, hasn't helped them to return the initiative on fields of battles. Army Kaddafi, having cleaned from front the most part of the vulnerable armor for the western planes, has changed on armed зенитками and mortars jeeps, has generated mobile operative groups and has continued war with former diligence.
Absolutely confused pilots of the western Air Forces hardly distinguish automobile groups of soldiers Kaddafi being under them and rebels. Cases of "friendly fire" when the aircraft covers with bombing attacks of insurgents have become frequent, strengthening a panic in them and without that undisciplined numbers. Army Kaddafi battles to the big sharpness, constantly applies the new tactical receptions adequate to the changing situation. The colonel has appeared an artful fox of desert, simultaneously flexible and courageous. Besides talented military men it has one more serious trump — real support of broad masses in the western part of Libya, first of all in Tripoli. And this fact tries to ignore the West. Americans and West Europeans at deadlock. They were involved in adventure the exit from which isn't present. To leave Kaddafi alone, to withdraw the planes and to allow the Libyan army to drown revolt in blood — a thing absolutely inconceivable. Money it is spent much — late to recede. No arms supplies to insurgents will approach them to a victory on meter. Peaceful settlement prospects in Libya any. The country can break up into separate parts, to become similar to Somalia. If Kaddafi push aside in the desert, leading force in region will be "al Kaide" which and without that, owning considerable arms, has received also that was in numerous military warehouses. If Kaddafi destroy, it too won't solve a problem. It has children, and they are popular enough in the people. Besides «under a gun» at the disgraced leader are ten thousand persons. In the first weeks it has been lost, but now has gathered and successfully enough conducts military operations against insurgents. And if not the NATO, it would suppress for a long time already mutiny. (с)
Other article which has been printed in the newspaper "The Guardian" - These humanitarians come to Libya with missiles, and an agenda