Wolfenstein Goodies Updates
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Wolfenstein Goodies has added 2002: A Doom Odyssey (Which includes a Wolfenstein 3D secret level), the speedrun for the level, and The Zero Tolerance Weapons, Sounds, and Music mod to the list of Wolfenstein 3D in Ultimate Doom mods. Hell'O'Kitty - Return to Kitty Wolfenstein with/without ZDoom for Doom 2 is also added.
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Wolfenstein Goodies has added 2002: A Doom Odyssey (Which includes a Wolfenstein 3D secret level), the speedrun for the level, and The Zero Tolerance Weapons, Sounds, and Music mod to the list of Wolfenstein 3D in Ultimate Doom mods. Hell'O'Kitty - Return to Kitty Wolfenstein with/without ZDoom for Doom 2 is also added.