Would anyone be interested in helping making a Super Haven Mapset part II?
It is going to be 60 levels. No major coding changes. After this is released, those who want coding can do their coded project for Haven Forum.
It is SDL coded to allow all the static objects or enemies or doors that you want, up to around 400 guards or so. No idiotic levels accepted.
Episode 1: Wizziestien
E1L1 - Wastelands 3 - Dark_wizzie
E1L2 - Treasure Trove - Dark_wizzie
Episode 2: We Love Zombies!
E2L1 - Sewer Access 1 - Wolfercooker
Episode 3: Hitler's Haven
E3L1 - C'mon Everyone - Schabbs
Episode 4: Antitime Invasion!
E4L1: 404Error - Nexion
Episode 5: Odds and Ends
Episode 6: Hardcore Carnage
56 levels remaining.
I want one map from each person in this forum if possible. Make just a map if you don't have time. Make it a small map if you really don't have time.
Dark_wizzie - 2 maps
Wolfercooker - 1 map
Schabbs - 1 map
Last edited by Dark_wizzie on Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:59 am; edited 9 times in total