Blake Wolf SDL Version Released | |
Here's an SDL version of the shareware Blake Wolf set that I made 10 levels for in 1999. Excellent graphics, actors and sounds. Uses the Blake Stone images converted by Andy Nonymous. Credits go to Ripper for his development work on the Wolf SDL port, BrotherTank for his compiling work, and id software/Apogee for the original Wolf3D shareware version. Blake Wolf SDL Version Vista/Windows 7-Compatible. |
Blake Wolf SDL Version Released
Schabbs- Extreme Wolfer
Number of posts : 3036
Location : London, England.
Job : Retired
Hobbie : Playing Wolf3D/ROTT, eating out, travel, music, snooker
Registration date : 2007-03-24
- Post n°1
Blake Wolf SDL Version Released
Cat Productions - mapper