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4 posters

    What do you like on your pizza?


    What toppings do you like on your pizza?

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    Total Votes: 29

    What do you like on your pizza? Empty What do you like on your pizza?

    Post by Guest Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:38 pm

    Hi Joseph!

    Last edited by Chokster37 on Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:09 am; edited 1 time in total
    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    What do you like on your pizza? Empty Re: What do you like on your pizza?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:40 pm

    0_0 I would take any type of "normal" pizza.

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

    What do you like on your pizza? Empty Re: What do you like on your pizza?

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:47 pm

    Hi Donald!

    Last edited by Chokster37 on Sat Feb 08, 2014 11:11 am; edited 1 time in total
    Black Cat
    Black Cat

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    What do you like on your pizza? Empty Re: What do you like on your pizza?

    Post by thejosh Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:53 am

    cereal - This would save me some time. Why wait hours between meals when you can cram breakfast lunch and dinner into one?

    Mice/Spaghetti - I assume the mice would burrow inside of their makeshift spaghetti nest across the pizza hidden from sight, and should the need arise, defend each slice from intrusion until it's in my hands by popping out and biting any slice grabbing attemptees. Having spent countless minutes studying the majestic owls digestive habits on wikipedia I can now also safely regurgitate their mouse bones and fur intact while simultaniously devouring the pizza, sans the choking hazards an uninformed mouse-eater would face.

    Triangles - Without the triangle the pizza slices would be an ungodly shape such as a square, and I can't be expected to grab the pizza by the center or balance the slice by the bottom like some kind of savage. Only a second-hand "establishment" such as "Jets" or "Pizza Hut" would belittle their customers in such a fashion.

    washing machine fluid - This is incase I drop the pizza on my clothes. The stain will presumably be automatically removed while simultaniously causing my clothes to smell like an italian summer. One might assume the irreversable liver damage caused by the chemicals would be a negative, but when your body is secreting freshness out of your pores for two weeks I'd like to see you complain about that.

    Toothpaste - Ask any food connoisseur and they will tell you - the overpowering flavor of mint combined with industrial waste byproduct is an excellent addition to any food, and as a bonus it even cleans your teeth while chewing. The tricky part is learning a technique to spit out the flouride while seperating the chewed food in your mouth, but once learned you become the envy of dental enthusiasts and mouthmaticians everywhere.

    Lastly, I tried putting End of Destiny on my pizza but the pizza was running without dosbox which enraged me. Not only that, when I plugged my keyboard into the pizza to play it all it did was sputter out grease. Technically, it was a step up from running vista, but not even a hungry, pleading, homeless man could stop me from discarding the pizza in frustration straight into the garbage outside.

    Excellent topping choices all around, but I'm disappointed by the lack of a Jell-o topping as I use it for a topping on everything, including more Jell-O, as should everyone. Another good topping would've been more pizza:

    What do you like on your pizza? Retarted

    And maybe pizza topped pizzas ad infinitum as a topping causing those who gaze upon it to be stricken comatose instantly by peering into the eternal pizza void itself.
    I shall now ponder the meaning of life seeing as in the grand scope of it all everything (including the sun apparently)is nothing more than a pizza topping. Are we too, just toppings on someone's pizza? Nah that would be ridiculous. Unless all that hot magma in the earth was in fact melted cheese, just waiting for someone to grab the earth by the crust and take a bite Sad
    I am Death Incarnate!
    I am Death Incarnate!

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    Hobbie : Computers, chess, computer chess, fashion, and philosophy
    Message : I made this forum when I was 13 High on Drugs
    Registration date : 2007-03-24

    What do you like on your pizza? Empty Re: What do you like on your pizza?

    Post by Dark_wizzie Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:35 pm

    My god. Lol. Interesting read Surprised

    Wolf3d Haven
    Minute Logic Blog

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    What do you like on your pizza? Empty Are you crazy?

    Post by stathmk Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:29 am

    With the worldwide diversity of Wolf 3D Haven posts, I was reading this and I expected it to lead up to something like:

    "What!? You have razor blades, mice, washing machine detergent, human remains, pork, and ham on your pizza!? You're Jewish or Muslim and have pork or ham on your pizza!? ARE YOU CRAZY!?"

    There were Muslims and The Jewish at my college.

    I don't think that the vegans would like the mice or human remains like Mariah Carey or Dean on their pizza.

    Last edited by stathmk on Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Number of posts : 1790
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    What do you like on your pizza? Empty Re: Pizza toppings

    Post by stathmk Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:39 am

    It seems like Chokster37 and thejosh forgot to put Ritalin on their pizza! Or maybe they accidentally took the high potency happy pill instead of Ritalin.

    Thejosh, did Chokster37 get ahold of your account password or something? It sounds like something that Chokster37 would post.

    Years ago I was reading a web site or forwarded email about the best ways to order a pizza. One way was to order a 1 inch pizza. Another way was to order a fractal pizza. Another way was to order a pizza with a projected psychic aurora on it.
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

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    What do you like on your pizza? Empty Getting hungry in the way of zombiestyle

    Post by Nexion Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:53 pm

    What do you like on your pizza? Drunken_smilie Oh my Goddess! Where is the pizza demon when you need him..

    What do you like on your pizza? Pentap10

    I'm only 69 years gone and there is already an option here to order a beloved pizza.
    And I thought I could only get dust here. Hell yes I'm interested to get one.

    I want a delicious Space pizza of the Rank 1B
    -throw some throat-burning whiskey or some vodka over it for a good taste
    -smash some cheese from moon on it
    -wood! everyone eats wood so it shall be!
    -include an eatable flatscreen in one of the salami (radius 3,1411592) so I can watch me eating it
    -put some magical mushrooms on it. I wanna jump like Super Mario
    -design the layout of the ingredients with mapedit
    -compress 3 fresh alien brains on it. I prefer soft ET brain. Predator brains will also do it
    -get me a surpise into it. Something to play with like a space bunny
    -Use Duke's shrinker to shrink some pizzas to put them on this one
    -make it extra crispy with a flame thrower
    -add a restart switch and a drink holder and I'm happy
    -at the end seal it with a magic spell so I need to summon the pizza demon from fridge hell
    -after that dance 7 times around it like a dead frog
    -oh and add a timeportal. Make it the first time traveling pizza!

    so where I'm gonna send the 666$ to? What's the name of your shop again?
    Fishy Pizza clown land or was it Pink Bunny Food Maker.

    Deliver the pizza to Hell on Mars, 666, Graveyardway 0 and please use a catapult. I promise to keep the window open.

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