As some of you may already know that i'm attempting a make a mod. I originally came here because of a title screen question I found on Google. I expected to having to do very little for this but found allot more here than i have ever expected for a game as old as wolf3d.
I have decided to use the wolf3d game because it's small and easy to download / upload. And i have used editors before but for dos. The mod i want to make takes place in a office setting and i'm unshure how to start yet as in mapping. I have not done office settings useing 64 x 64 blocks. In used to doing this kinds thing in unreal doom and duke3d editors. But they require alot more work than wolf3d.
The mod / mission. i don't know what to really call it. since it's only to 1 of the wolf3d missions.
Joymax GM hunt
This is a working title and it has a hastory behind it. If anyone knows the game Silkroad online then they probly know why i want to make this mission.
I have already recived help with the title screen here and some other info reguarding newer windows version of a editor. I have only ever used dos version before and still have them.
Parts I need are a guard in more like office attire kinda like the hostage created by mr wolf. But it was created to replace the mutt. but i need one to replace some of the guards and are missing some frames. I have tried it before but I cannot draw people and never could. I was always better at wall and map design.
If anyone could locate another shirt and tie wearing guard or could add some to the hostage that would be help full.
The last thing is a place to upload the mod when and if i ever get enough stuff to finnish it.
I have decided to use the wolf3d game because it's small and easy to download / upload. And i have used editors before but for dos. The mod i want to make takes place in a office setting and i'm unshure how to start yet as in mapping. I have not done office settings useing 64 x 64 blocks. In used to doing this kinds thing in unreal doom and duke3d editors. But they require alot more work than wolf3d.
The mod / mission. i don't know what to really call it. since it's only to 1 of the wolf3d missions.
Joymax GM hunt
This is a working title and it has a hastory behind it. If anyone knows the game Silkroad online then they probly know why i want to make this mission.
I have already recived help with the title screen here and some other info reguarding newer windows version of a editor. I have only ever used dos version before and still have them.
Parts I need are a guard in more like office attire kinda like the hostage created by mr wolf. But it was created to replace the mutt. but i need one to replace some of the guards and are missing some frames. I have tried it before but I cannot draw people and never could. I was always better at wall and map design.
If anyone could locate another shirt and tie wearing guard or could add some to the hostage that would be help full.
The last thing is a place to upload the mod when and if i ever get enough stuff to finnish it.