W3dMapTx Updated
Matthew Barich has updated 'W3dMapTx'. It's a program written in C# that will randomly mix up the different textures for stone textures (like Gray Stone), so you don't have to do it yourself. This can make things a lot easier with level designing, and also ensures a uniformly random distribution. It works with Mapedit saved maps. Be sure to read the readme.txt file first. Available here. This version replaces the one released in July 2007.
Matthew Barich has updated 'W3dMapTx'. It's a program written in C# that will randomly mix up the different textures for stone textures (like Gray Stone), so you don't have to do it yourself. This can make things a lot easier with level designing, and also ensures a uniformly random distribution. It works with Mapedit saved maps. Be sure to read the readme.txt file first. Available here. This version replaces the one released in July 2007.