Open WL_ACT2.C, Today, we're going to do it with Otto Giftmacher. Do a search for "SpawnGift" (no quotes!) and you should see this:
= SpawnGift
void SpawnGift (int tilex, int tiley)
unsigned far *map,tile;
if (DigiMode != sds_off)
s_giftdie2.tictime = 140;
s_giftdie2.tictime = 5;
Change "s_giftdie2.tictime = 140;" to "s_giftdie2.tictime = 1;" (no quotes) or to your likings!
(If you change it to "0" he'll just stay standing up when he dies.)
Compile and Link up!
Have fun with your fast dying Boss!
Code Editing Tutorials
Deleting the Boss Dead Animation delay
Deleting the Boss Dead Animation delay
Open WL_ACT2.C, Today, we're going to do it with Otto Giftmacher. Do a search for "SpawnGift" (no quotes!) and you should see this:
= SpawnGift
void SpawnGift (int tilex, int tiley)
unsigned far *map,tile;
if (DigiMode != sds_off)
s_giftdie2.tictime = 140;
s_giftdie2.tictime = 5;
Change "s_giftdie2.tictime = 140;" to "s_giftdie2.tictime = 1;" (no quotes) or to your likings!
(If you change it to "0" he'll just stay standing up when he dies.)
Compile and Link up!
Have fun with your fast dying Boss!