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    changing max ammo and hp

    I am Death Incarnate!
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    changing max ammo and hp Empty changing max ammo and hp

    Post by Dark_wizzie Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:32 pm

    Code Editing Tutorials
    Changing the amount of Ammo & Health

    I see you want to have more ammo and health. I provide you all info, also how to correct the face display on the status bar(thanks to Martin Bonnet). OK, read on!


    Step 1. Go to your source code directory and open the file WL_AGENT.C .

    Step 2. Do a search for “gamestate.health”(no quotes as usual).

    Step 3. Move to the lines saying:

    if (gamestate.health>100)

    gamestate.health = 100;

    Step 4. Replace that with :

    if (gamestate.health>200) // Or any other number, ofcourse!!!!

    gamestate.health = 200;

    Step 6. Save the file again. Now do a search for gamestate.health.

    The hits you get looking like this:

    if (gamestate.health == 100)

    have to be replaced with

    if (gamestate.health == 200)

    When there are no more hits, save the file. Now, get back on top of the file and do a search for “FACE1APIC”. Then you should find:


    Step 7. Replace this line with:

    if (gamestate.health>100)

    StatusDrawPic (17,4,FACE1APIC+gamestate.faceframe);



    Save the file and compile. Now you have as maximum 200 health and a correct statusbar display.


    Step 1. Go to your source code directory and open the file WL_AGENT.C .

    Step 2. Do a search for "DrawAmmo"(no quotes as usual). The first hit should be on line 598.

    Step 3. Move to the line saying :

    LatchNumber (27,16,2,gamestate.ammo);

    Step 4. Replace that with :

    LatchNumber (26,16,3,gamestate.ammo);

    Step 5. Now do a search for GiveAmmo. The hit you need is on line 624.

    Step 6. Scroll to the lines saying:

    if (gamestate.ammo > 99)

    gamestate.ammo = 99;

    Replace that with(or any other 3-digit amount):

    if (gamestate.ammo > 200)

    gamestate.ammo = 200;

    Step 6. Save the file again. Now do a search for gamestate.ammo .

    The hits you get looking like this:

    if (gamestate.ammo == 99)

    have to be replaced with

    if (gamestate.ammo == 200)

    When there are no more hits, save the file and compile. Now you have

    as maximum 200 ammo and a correct statusbar display. Cool eh?

    Wolf3d Haven
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