Wolfenstein Goodies Updates For The Week of Feb 18, 2012
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7 new updates!
February 18, 2012
A Sven Co-op Wolf3d test map video is added to The Wolfenstein 3D in other computer games engines page.
February 17, 2012
WolferCooker wants to release his completed set of the Panzerfaust weapon (modified Project Vertilgung Panzerfaust) with the new projectile rockets he made from scratch. It's on the sprites page.
Nexion's Free Stuff from wolf3d.darkbb.com is 2 files and is now added on the sprites page.
The History Channel's Modern Marvels' 90s Tech: Video Games including Wolfenstein 3D and Doom is added to the miscellaneous videos page.
February 14, 2012
-Added 1 Mega Man L R Forte add-on patch to play as Bass.
-Added 5 Mega Man 3 Prototype add-on patches to play as other characters.
-Added several Mega Man screenshots.
4 Mega Man SDL shareware mods are uploaded for tomorrow's patches. They are Megaman: Angel, and Megaman: Dark, Mega Man Legends, and Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype. They already were available on The Dome.
February 12, 2012
Click for a larger picture of Tragos2D's of Colony 7 using WinRottGL for Rise of The Triad.