Wolfenstein Goodies Updates For The Week of Feb 4, 2012:
First of all, I have a question. Do you want we to post updates on The Haven weekly in a single thread or one thread for each game or goodie? If I'm forgetting anything or typed something wrong, then let me know.
Next Week
Possibly 7 updates!
February 4, 2012
-Wolf3D Endgame SDL 1.7 By jpb6891. It's challenging, 9 levels and 1 secret level. and 10 straight levels.
-Also, the Mac-enstein files from February 1 and 2 are updated and reuploaded.
February 3, 2012
15 Master Levels by ipank7000. It has 12 regular levels and 3 secret.
February 2, 2012
Mac-enstein 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Encounters 2.03 SDL 1.7 with music By Andy Nonymous. It's 18.06 megabytes. It has 3 levels for The First Encounter, 30 levels for The Second Encounter, and 60 levels for The Third Encounter.
February 1, 2012
Mac-enstein 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Encounters 2.03 SDL 1.7 patch without music By Andy Nonymous. It's also a patch for those who have already downloaded it from The wolfenstein 3D Dome. It has 3 levels for The First Encounter, 30 levels for The Second Encounter, and 60 levels for The Third Encounter.
January 31, 2012
Guns and Glory is currently looking for beta testers. If you wish to apply you should check out the details here or email Little Cherub at harkodos@gmail.com.
January 30, 2012
There's been a personal emergency at The Wolf3D Dome News and it hasn't been updated since January 19th. My thoughts are with Brian and I want to help him out by doing his work. Submit your mods to stathmk (at) yahoo (dot) com until further notice. (I have a list of questions on The January 30th Wolfensteingoodies.com News for when you submit, but I want to change the questions soon.) For those of you who have already submitted games over this weekend, maybe you can submit screenshots in the meantime. I have Windows XP so that I can check your XP or DOS mods to see if they work. I don't have Unix, Linux, or Macintosh Software. I know that Wolfensteingoodies.com has gigabytes of space remaining. I know I have a lot, and I mean a lot, of updating to do on the web page.
Edit at 8:05 pm on Feb 4
Links should be loading.
Last edited by stathmk on Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:34 pm; edited 2 times in total