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Wolf3d Haven Forum

A friendly Wolfenstein 3D community, about Wolfenstein 3D, the game that gave birth to first person shooters...

2 posters

    Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites

    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 180
    Age : 40
    Location : Nowhere
    Message : General Programmer
    World of Tanks Username: ToreHund
    Registration date : 2010-08-11

    sprites - Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites Empty Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites

    Post by Dr.Zin Thu Sep 02 2010, 17:34

    I would be ETERNALLY greatful to anyone who can hook me up with the unresized Macintosh weapon sprites. It is for Blackwolf, and because it is using a DooM port, the original sprites look a little weird. So anyway, again I would be ultra-greatful if someone could do this one small favor for me.

    If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
    and the bus is interupted as a very last resort,
    and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort
    then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!

    Wolf3d Chat
    Seasoned Wolfer
    Seasoned Wolfer

    Number of posts : 280
    Registration date : 2007-12-22

    sprites - Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites Empty Re: Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites

    Post by Andy Thu Sep 02 2010, 22:07


    You can get them from Mac-enstein Second Encounter SDL at the Dome. Just extract them using ChaosEdit. They are the original 128x128 size, though the color palette might not be what you're using. I overcome that by cutting and pasting into a bmp file with a desired palette (using Paint).

    Hope this helps,
    Bring em' On!
    Bring em' On!

    Number of posts : 180
    Age : 40
    Location : Nowhere
    Message : General Programmer
    World of Tanks Username: ToreHund
    Registration date : 2010-08-11

    sprites - Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites Empty Re: Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites

    Post by Dr.Zin Fri Sep 03 2010, 08:51

    Ah, many thanks Andy Very Happy. Valdo said you could help. At the moment palettes arent a concern because GZDoom does 24-bit graphics. But I thank you for pointing me in the right direction! I will see about doing that tonight.

    If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
    and the bus is interupted as a very last resort,
    and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort
    then the socket packet pocket has an error to report!

    Wolf3d Chat

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    sprites - Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites Empty Re: Unresized Macintosh Weapon Sprites

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