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    Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes


    Number of posts : 1788
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes

    Post by stathmk Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:14 pm

    Some TV shows with surprise endings are The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, and Night Visions. Night Visions was canceled in 2001. To my understanding, some of the Star Trek episodes and a different sci-fi series had surprise twists. I’m going to take a wild guess that the last episode of Lost will have a surprise twist.

    I think that The Sixth Sense has the best surprise twist ending of movies. I watched the “6 minute extra” at the end of the DVD and then watched the movie a second time. I also like the surprise twists in The Others with Nicole Kidman, Unbreakable, The Village, the 1998 Merlin mini-series, The Butterfly Effect, Contact, and Orphan. Orphan’s ending is unusual, but not supernatural.

    One of the Star Wars movies obviously has a surprise twist that you find out that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father.

    I haven’t seen The Crying Game or The Departed, but I heard the surprise twist to The Crying Game, and I’ve only heard that The Departed has a surprise twist.

    The twist in Nightmare on Elm Street Part 1 is that Freddy Krueger for some reason isn’t actually dead yet even though he was set on fire again.

    The Blair Witch Project has a surprise twist where you have to read the movie’s web site and message board to understand it. I haven’t seen The Blair Witch 2 prequel, so I don’t know if it also has a twist ending.

    However, I did not like the twists to Lady In The Water, The Happening, Paranormal Activity, and American Psycho.

    I thought that Lady in The Water was made more for juveniles.

    American Psycho has a lame surprise twist, but I think it’s the second worst movie I’ve ever seen. I saw it and I thought it was a waste of 2 hours of my life. I thought that The Silence of The Lambs was worse.

    I haven’t seen the Saw movies, but I’ve heard that some of them have surprise twists. They don’t seem like the kind of movies I’d watch.

    The Butterfly Effect also has an alternate ending. I didn’t like Paranormal Activity’s endings, but it has an alternate ending.

    If you rent The Ring on DVD, there’s a way indicated at http://www.gamewinners.com/dvd/Ring.htm where you can watch that spooky ring video. I suppose that this is the most famous movie Easter egg.

    The Doom movie DVD has the Doom 3 demo if you put it in your computer. When you put The Pirates of The Caribbean Part 1 DVD in your computer, it has a program where you get to change a picture of yourself into one of those skeleton pirate zombies.

    I’ve heard that the Friends season 1 DVD has an episode that didn’t air for some reason. I’ve also heard that The Simpsons season 1 DVD has an episode that didn’t air for some reason.

    Blue Ray discs have lots of extras, but I don’t have a Blue Ray player yet.

    Please post shows or movies with surprise twist endings, alternate endings, movie Easter eggs, or the best deleted scenes. Don't actually tell me the surprise twist. I want to be surprised.

    EDITS: More Easter eggs: The American Pie DVD is supposed to have extras when put into a Windows computer. When The Mummy DVD is put into a Windows computer, there’s a Mummy game, screensavers or wallpapers, and Universal Studios links. The Chronicles of Riddick DVD is supposed to have a playable level when put in an original X-Box or X-Box 360. I haven’t seen The Chronicles of Riddick yet.

    Last edited by stathmk on Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:03 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Easter eggs for 3 movies added)

    Number of posts : 1739
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    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Re: Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes

    Post by Thomas Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:30 am

    Hi Jerry!

    Last edited by Thomas on Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:58 am; edited 1 time in total
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Re: Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes

    Post by ronwolf1705 Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:27 am

    stathmk wrote:
    American Psycho has a lame surprise twist, but I think it’s the second worst movie I’ve ever seen. I saw it and I thought it was a waste of 2 hours of my life.

    I can understand that you thought that was the twist, but maybe you should watch the movie again with this interpretation.


    It was just that the people around Patrick Bateman were so full of themselfs and shallow that they didn't even notice that people were killed. They weren't paying attention to the world around them, continually mistaking people around them for someone else. That is why Bateman's lawyer thought he had lunched with Paul Allen twice, who was in fact killed by Bateman earlier. It's a sort of parody on the '80's yuppies world.

    Director Mary Harron (in a Charlie Rose interview) stated that she failed with the end because she led audiences to believe the murders were only dreams although she tried to be as ambiguous as the book was.

    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes MMCS0206
    Hardcore Wolfer
    Hardcore Wolfer

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    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Re: Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes

    Post by ronwolf1705 Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:30 am

    And for a great funny twist, I can recommend Hot Fuzz. Smile

    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes MMCS0206

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    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Indiana Jones

    Post by stathmk Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:56 pm

    Oh, I had forgotten. I think that I can say that some of The Indiana Jones movies have surprise twists.
    Spear of Destiny
    Spear of Destiny

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    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Re: Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes

    Post by Dean Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:02 pm

    stathmk wrote:American Psycho has a lame surprise twist, but I think it’s the second worst movie I’ve ever seen. I saw it and I thought it was a waste of 2 hours of my life. I thought that The Silence of The Lambs was worse.
    Are you insane? Silence of the Lambs was one of the creepiest movies I have ever seen and equally one of the best acted movie's of all time. Yes, the subject matter is less than the most happy subject but you can't deny the brilliance behind a majority of the elements of this movie. If a movie gives you am uneasy feeling, and thats what the tone of the movie is about, then it's achieved it's objective. There's a movie I saw recently titled 'The last house on the left' that was just the nastiest film I've seen in a long time and left me with a real feeling of 'yuck'. It wasn't until a day later when I realised that that's exactly what the film makers were trying to get across and had therefore actually succeeded.
    I've both read the book and seen the movie of 'American Psycho' and I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Yes, again, it's an unsavory subject but it is a very well made and presented film.
    I think that you are more basing your opinion of these 2 movies on the subject matter rather than the quality of the films, which as a self claimed 'cinephile' and someone who worked in the industry for nearly 10 years, I would have to say is very niave of you, especially if you are publicly expressing that completely bias opinion.

    Number of posts : 1788
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    Registration date : 2008-04-08

    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Different Opinions

    Post by stathmk Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:30 pm

    Dean wrote:Are you insane?
    No, but I have a different opinion.
    Dean wrote:There's a movie I saw recently titled 'The last house on the left' that was just the nastiest film I've seen in a long time and left me with a real feeling of 'yuck'.
    I haven't seen it. Would you say that it's a movie with a surprise ending? Do I need to wash my eyes out with soap after watching it?

    Speaking of surprise twists and horror movies, I've heard that Jeepers Creepers has a surprise ending and also an alternate ending. I haven't seen it.
    Dean wrote:...which as a self claimed 'cinephile' and someone who worked in the industry for nearly 10 years,...
    Just wondering, what did you do? Some alumni from my university have done special effects in movies. I've met guest speakers at my university who work in the movie or video games industries.
    Dean wrote:...completely bias opinion.
    No, I just have a different opinion. Let me tell you an example of how people can have different opinions. Titanic is considered one of the best movies of all time on the list of favorite movies for Americans that I saw about 5 years ago on imdb.com. However, Titanic is on the list of worst movies for The British that I saw at the same time on imdb.com.

    There's a club on the internet for women who have seen Titanic over 100 times! I haven't seen it once. In 1997, I got tired of hearing about Titanic all of the time especially from teenage girls that like Leonardo DiCaprio. Titanic is a movie that doesn't effect me.

    While we're talking about different opinions for movies I've heard that The Others with Nicole Kidman did OK in The United States and even better in Korea. So maybe Koreans like the genre or Nicole Kidman. I guess maybe somebody could use an example like that with almost any movie and almost any nation.

    If you're a cinephile, then can I ask you, "What's your favorite movie?"
    Spear of Destiny
    Spear of Destiny

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    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Re: Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes

    Post by Dean Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:45 pm

    This is going to sound like a cop out but in my opinion a true cinephile wouldn't be able to answer the question of what their favorite movie is. There are so many movies in the World it's impossible to name just one, as different films are my favorites for different reasons. There are so many styles and genres of films that it makes them difficult to compare. How can you compare your favorite comedy with your favorite horror film? Basically you can only do that from the feel you have about the film and the emotional connection you have to it when you watched it (Even then environmental influences can contribute). But unless your a person who focuses on particular elements of each film such as, direction, scriptwriting, acting, lighting, locations etc. then it makes things really difficult to compare. Me, I just like to sit back and enjoy a movie, I don't want to spend my time watching movies analyzing so much of it, I want to enjoy the movie as the emotion raising entity that it is.

    I still completely stand by my earlier statements that you are an emotional judge on films. Your comments about titanic just confirmed that "In 1997, I got tired of hearing about Titanic all of the time especially
    from teenage girls that like Leonardo DiCaprio." - This is how you have judged the film, not on your personal take of whether the movie is good or not from watching it. A true cinephile will watch films from all genres, those that have been rated good and bad and formulate their own opinions based on what they saw and felt through the movie. Anyone who rates movies based on their emotional state of mind that day or because others didn't like it doesn't have a valid opinion IMO.

    And i believe that unless you open your mind to these basics you are going to continue to dislike films of certain genres and types based on the opinions of others. A few female friends of mine are crazy about the Twilight books and films, to a level like I was when a Star Wars movie comes out. This made me not want to see a vampire movie that 13 year old girls think are the greatest films ever made. Still, I went and saw it, put my previously formed bias opinions aside and watched the movies for what they are. I had other opinions already as well as IMO vampires are not friendly, nice or do they shimmer, they are blood thirsty demons that kill everything that moves. All I'm saying is if you love film, open your mind, watch the occasional movie that you normally wouldn't from a genre or on a language you wouldn't normally and I guarantee to you will be pleasantly surprised sooner or later by a film you come across.

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    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty Re: favorite movies

    Post by stathmk Thu Mar 11, 2010 3:24 pm

    Thank you for the update. Good points. Dean, it sounds like you win the debate this time.

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    Goodies - Post Shows & Movies With Surprise Twists, Alternate Endings, Easter Eggs, or Best Deleted Scenes Empty 3 more movies added, I want to update Wolfenstein Goodies

    Post by stathmk Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:06 pm

    I added American Pie, The Mummy, and The Chronicles of Riddick DVD features to the first post. Somebody please post more.

    If any of you are reading this, please send me your new Wolfenstein 3D mods at stathmk@yahoo.com and I want to start updating wolfensteingoodies.com again by February 1st.

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